Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Imagery in Their Eyes Were Watching God

1. “Foot Prints in the Sky” (pg. 1) – All of the people saw that Janie had come back
home because it was sun down and she had left her own imprint.

2. “Grape Fruits in her hip pockets” (pg. 2) – This describes Janie’s firm butt.

3. “Great Rope of hair” (pg. 2) – This is saying that Janie has very long black thick hair all the way down to her waist.

4. “Pheoby held her tongue for a long time” (pg. 7) – Pheoby is quite eager to find out about Janie’s life but did not want to show her curiosity.

5. “Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone.” (pg. 8) – Janie describes her life like a tree, with opportunities taken and not, and that she is still blooming.

6. “The thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace…” (pg. 11) – Janie associates the pear tree with her own blooming and with love and marriage.

7. “That was before the golden dust of pollen had beglamored his rags and her eyes” (pg. 12) – After the impact that the pear tree makes on Janie she notices Johnny Taylor, not as she knew him before, tall and lean, but as a new man, glamorous to her.

8. “There are years that ask questions and years that answer… did marriage compel love like the sun the day?” (pg. 21) – Janie has so many questions to ask, and so many of them are unanswered. She wants to know about marriage but can only ask questions hoping to see the answer.

9. “Long before the year was up, Janie noticed that her husband had stopped talking in rhymes to her” (pg. 26) – Janie had figured out that Logan was not trying to impress her anymore, and just wanted her to work for him now.

10.”Janie turned from the door without answering, and stood in the middle of the floor without knowing it.” (pg. 32) – This signifies that Janie was turning her back on Logan and had given up on him.

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